"Spray Roses: Elegant Blooms in Every Bouquet"?
A type of rose that features multiple smaller blooms on a single stem, as opposed to the larger, single blooms you might find on traditional roses. They’re often used in floral arrangements and bouquets because of their charming, delicate appearance and the way they add texture and fullness. Spray roses come in various colors and can be a lovely choice for everything from weddings to everyday floral displays.
Cherry Blossom
known for their delicate pink or white petals and their fleeting beauty, are celebrated for their symbolic significance and aesthetic appeal.
Golden Blossom
They typically feature golden-yellow petals with a hint of orange, creating a warm and inviting appearance. The blooms are often large and full, with a rich fragrance that adds to their appeal.
Fresh Cut Spray Roses
To make your spray rose bouquet last longer, trim the stems at an angle and place them in clean water. Change the water every couple of days and keep the bouquet in a cool area away from direct sunlight.
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